Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tech-media-tainment now 2 years old

Tech-media-tainment, my catch-all blog about pop culture and technology, turns 2 years old today.
I had thought by this point I would have picked an area on which to specialize. But two years later, TMT is as scattershot as ever. I thought a focus would naturally emerge over time as I continued to post articles. While I have found favorite subjects to blog about, none has taken precedence over the others.
Favorite topics include what I call the “fringe sports” (Lingerie Football League, beer pong, etc.) and “the failed promise of digital content.” I also like writing about halls of fame, my libertarian leanings, and problems with modern copyright law.
Without much promotion, TMT now gets over 4,000 unique visitors each month. That’s not bad, considering that 55% of hobbyist blogs get less than 1,000 unique visitors each month, according to Technorati.
I use Google Analytics to track traffic to the website, which is hosted on Google’s Blogger service. I occasionally post shortened Web links on Twitter to promote blog posts. But that’s about it for promotion.
I haven’t been religious about posting something every day. But I try. Most hobbyist bloggers (23%) post two to three times a week, according to Technorati. The next largest group posts at least once a week (22%), followed by once every few weeks (21%) and once or twice per day (13%).
I tend to post between once a day and two to three times per week.

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