Monday, June 27, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger could repair his image by helping the Robot Hall of Fame

Former California governor and movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger took a big hit to his reputation when it was revealed in May that he fathered a son with his housekeeper while married to Maria Shriver. Because of the media backlash, Schwarzenegger had to put his movie career comeback on hold. He’s kept a low profile since then.
But Schwarzenegger can still refurbish his reputation. As much as the media relishes tearing down a top celebrity, they also love a comeback story.
Schwarzenegger’s official website has a banner than reads “Stay tuned for my next move.” (See above photo.)
A good move for him would be to do something that reminds people about his glorious past while looking to the future.
My suggestion: Make a donation to Robot Hall of Fame in Pittsburgh so it can induct a new class of robots, including the T-800 Terminator, played by Schwarzenegger in the “Terminator” movie series.
Last November, I wrote about how funding woes had temporarily halted activity at the Robot Hall of Fame. (See article “Funding Woes Short-Circuit Robot Hall Of Fame Activity” at
The hall was created by the Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science in 2003 to honor both real-world robots and fictional robots that have inspired scientists. It was supposed to hold its biennial induction ceremony for a new class of robots last fall, but it was indefinitely postponed.
The organization only needs about $50,000 to $75,000 to hold the induction ceremony. Schwarzenegger and his friend James Cameron, the creator of the “Terminator” franchise, should pitch in to fund the ceremony. They also should attend the event to celebrate their creation.
The other inductees are the DaVinci Medical Robot System from Intuitive Surgical; NASA’s Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity; the Roomba vacuum cleaner from iRobot; and Huey, Dewey and Louie from the 1971 science-fiction film “Silent Running.”
Inductees are enshrined at a permanent robotics exhibit called Roboworld at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh.
The induction ceremony would be a perfect fit for Cameron and Schwarzenegger. Both men are passionate about science and technology as well as education. This is a great way for them to show it.
President Barack Obama just visited the robotics school at Carnegie Mellon University last week.
Will Schwarzenegger follow suit?
I hope so.

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