Thursday, December 31, 2015

A year from now Hillary Clinton could be president-elect or in jail

Just over 10 months before the Nov. 8, 2016, presidential election and Democrat Hillary Clinton looks like a lock for the job.
But conservative pundits are holding out hope that scandal will force Clinton from the race and give the Republicans a shot at the Oval Office.
Fortune magazine writer Tory Newmyer predicts that Clinton “will enjoy a near-unimpeded march to her party’s nomination” and will select U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia as her pick for vice president.
She will face U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida in the general election, Newmyer predicts. He also believes Rubio will tap South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley as his running mate.
But Newmyer doesn’t forecast the ultimate winner of the 2016 presidential election.
Conservative talk-show host Steve Deace also predicts that Clinton will select Kaine as her running mate.
But he predicts the Democrats will lose the election to U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and his v.p. pick Nikki Haley (again!).
Deace predicts that nothing will come from the investigation into Hillary’s emails.
“Anybody thinking the Obama injustice department is going to seriously pursue legal action against the only viable Democrat presidential candidate hasn’t been paying attention since, like, forever,” he said.
Andrew Napolitano, senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel, disagrees.
Napolitano predicts that Clinton will not be the Democratic presidential nominee “because she will be indicted by a federal grand jury for various crimes,” he wrote in Reason magazine.
He also predicted that “one year from today Hillary Clinton will be in prison.”
Napolitano did not forecast who the GOP presidential nominee will be or who would win the presidency.
He also predicted that President Barack Obama will announce in 2016 “that he and Michelle Obama will soon divorce.”
Conservative blog Ricochet posted predictions from member Lensman, who said Clinton will drop out of the presidential race “for health reasons.”

Photo: The Hillary Nutcracker.

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