Monday, October 29, 2018

Disney princesses as war criminals, film noir and Adventure Time characters

Walt Disney’s princesses are a source of endless amusement and creativity for pop culture artists.
Most of the princesses are based on public domain characters, but artists like to play off the family-friendly versions that Disney created.
What follows is my latest roundup of interesting revisionist depictions of the Disney princesses.

Artist Astor Alexander recently reimagined the Disney princesses as film noir-style femme fatales.
He titled his works as though they were pulp-fiction novels. Snow White is featured in “Miss White and the Unlawful Seven” and Princess Aurora is cast in “The Long Sleep.”
“I am a fan of badass female characters, and that was the main goal of this series — to turn these Disney characters into badass detectives AND criminals,” Alexander told BuzzFeed.

Artist Artemii Myasnikov depicted the Disney princesses as tough-as-nails warriors in an art series. His works reimagined Ariel, Aurora, Cinderella, Jasmine, Snow White and more. (See article by GeekTyrant and the artist’s Instagram page.)

New York-based artist Leon Chang showed what it would look like if Disney princesses were tried for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials. (See the humorous art series on Twitter.)

Artist Maritsa Patrinos drew the Disney princesses as if they were princesses on the animated television series “Adventure Time.” (Check out her work on BuzzFeed.)

Pakistani illustrator Maryam Safdar drew Disney princesses as if they were Japanese anime characters. (See article on Bored Panda.)

The Pure Costumes blog posted an Oktoberfest graphic showing Disney princesses and their favorite beers.

And finally graphic designer Matt Burt depicted Disney princesses as career women. “Sleeping Beauty” Aurora is the CEO of a coffee company and Elsa and Anna from “Frozen” are climate-change scientists.
(See article by BuzzFeed and Imgur.)

Related article:

Revisionist Disney princess depictions in review (March 21, 2018)

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