Sunday, August 28, 2022

Animal attack movies are a staple of summer cinema

Ever since “Jaws” (1975), animal attack movies have been a staple of popular cinema, especially during the summer months.
They are basically monster movies rooted in reality. That gives them an extra thrill for viewers.
This year has seen the release of four movies featuring great white sharks as the antagonist. The recent thriller “Beast” featured a lion as the big bad.
What follows is a list of animal attack movies from the past two years. I also included the type of animal involved as well as the movie’s Rotten Tomatoes critics score.

Notable recent animal attack movies

The Swarm (2021), locusts, 86% positive reviews
Endangered Species (2021), rhino, leopard, hyenas; 19%
Great White (2021), great white shark, 41%
The Requin (2022), great white shark, 20%
Shark Bait (2022), great white shark, 43%
Beast (2022), lion, 68%
The Reef: Stalked (2022), great white shark, 68%
Maneater (2022), great white shark, 29%

Related article:

The best animal attack movies of the past 20 years (Jan. 3, 2021)

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