One studio exemplifies this trend with porn parodies like “Not the Bradys XXX” and “Not Three’s Company XXX” – its take on “The Brady Bunch” and “Three’s Company,” respectively. How uninspired.
Porn parodies are still a big business. Recent news reports say X-rated parodies of “Avatar” and “Glee” are in the works.
A couple of websites have compiled lists of funny porn parody movie titles, including eBaum’s World and AMOG. But from what I can tell they just recycle titles from other websites and haven’t done any fact checking. Upon review, some of the funniest ones were probably just made up.
Here’s a list of my favorite parody titles from actual porn movies:
A Beautiful Behind (A Beautiful Mind)
American Booty (American Beauty)
Beverly Hills 9021-Ho! (Beverly Hills 90210)
Big Trouble In Little Vagina (Big Trouble in Little China)
Bitanic (Titanic)
Breast Side Story (West Side Story)
Buffy the Vampire Layer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Cheeks & Thong's Up in Stroke (Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke)
Clockwork Orgy (A Clockwork Orange)
Diddle Her on the Roof (Fiddler on the Roof)
Dun-Her (Ben-Hur)
Forrest Hump (Forrest Gump)
Hung Wankenstein (Young Frankenstein)
I Cream of Jeannie (I Dream of Jeannie)
Inrearendence Day (Independence Day)
Good Will Humping (Good Will Hunting)
Little Shop of Whores (Little Shop of Horrors)
Malcolm XXX (Malcolm X)
Missionary: Impossible (Mission: Impossible)
My Bare Lady (My Fair Lady)
Night of the Giving Head (Night of the Living Dead)
On Golden Blonde (On Golden Pond)
Pubic Enemy (Public Enemy)
Riding Miss Daisy (Driving Miss Daisy)
Romancing the Bone (Romancing the Stone)
Saturday Night Beaver (Saturday Night Fever)
Saving Ryan’s Privates (Saving Private Ryan)
Sheepless in Montana (Sleepless in Seattle)
Snatch Adams (Patch Adams)
Swinging in the Rain (Singing in the Rain)
The Boobyguard (The Bodyguard)
The Da Vinci Load (The Da Vinci Code)
The Da Vinci Load 2: Angels & Semen (Angels & Demons)
The Poonies (The Goonies)
The Porn Identity (The Bourne Identity)
The 69th Sense (The Sixth Sense)
Throbbin’ Hood (Robin Hood)
Tits a Wonderful Life (It’s a Wonderful Life)
Whore of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings)
The following movie titles are too good to be true. These titles are mentioned on websites listing funny porn movie titles, but I can find no evidence these movies exist after checking the Internet Adult Film Database, Adult DVD Empire and elsewhere.
Apocryphal porn parody movie titles:
Add Momma To The Train (Throw Momma From the Train)
Barely Legally Blonde (Legally Blonde)
Cherry Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Eyes Wide Slut (Eyes Wide Shut)
Free My Willy (Free Willy)
Glad He Ate Her (Gladiator)
Lawrence Of A Labia (Lawrence of Arabia)
Ocean’s 11 Inches (Ocean’s 11)
Schindler’s Fist (Schindler’s List)
Sorest Rump (Forrest Gump)
Terms of Enrearment (Terms of Endearment)
The Empire Strikes From The Back (The Empire Strikes Back)
Will He Bonk Ya In The Chocolate Factory (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory)
Breast Side Story
Tits a Wonderful Life
The Poonies
Updated May 21, 2011: Added additional movie titles