Friday, May 19, 2017

Lying clickbait: Photoshop fails

Clickbait promoters use lots of dirty tricks to get people to click on sponsored articles. They’ll use photos that aren’t related to the articles. They’ll try to pass off movie stills as historical photos. And they’ll present Photoshopped images as though they were the real deal.
What follows are some examples of crazy Photoshopped images that have appeared with lying clickbait articles.

A recent Revcontent article titled “He never mentions his son – Here is why” used a photo of rapper Snoop Dogg alongside a photo of man who looks like he’s from “The Island of Dr. Moreau.”
With a little detective work, it turns out that the photo is an altered picture of singer-songwriter Allen Makere from the series “Faces of New York” by Simon Hoegsberg. Below are unaltered photos of Makere, who is not Snoop’s son.

Clickbait promoters have a fascination with large snakes, especially ginormous Photoshopped creatures. Here are two recent examples.
Revcontent ran an article titled “Final photos taken seconds before tragedy struck” with a picture of a woman being stalked by a giant black snake. But guess what? It’s completely fake. The woman is an attractive lady who catches small snakes in rice fields in Cambodia in a YouTube video by Reaksa Daily.
Reaksa Daily has a bunch of videos that use badly Photoshopped still images to promote their videos. This is but one.

A Taboola video titled “Why you never play with wild animals in Australia” includes a Photoshopped picture of a young boy and a monstrously large snake. Once again … fake news! Check out the original photo and the Photoshopped version below.

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