Saturday, September 22, 2018

Tracking news media coverage of Trump presidency through magazine covers

I thought I was doing a pretty good job documenting all the magazine covers featuring President Donald Trump, then I stumbled on a website that has a more comprehensive collection.
My coverage of Trump on magazine covers since his election has been periodic and not very well organized. You have to click on the Donald Trump label or any related links on Tech-media-tainment to see previous coverage.
Media Literacy Clearinghouse has a website called Donald Trump Magazines that features thumbnail images of scores of magazine covers of the 45th president of the United States. It includes magazine covers from before the 2016 election and afterwards. It has many covers that I hadn’t seen before.
The website is the work of media education consultant Frank W. Baker.
The Trump magazine website isn’t perfect, but is the best compilation I’ve seen of Trump covers in one spot.
On the plus side, the website is comprehensive and is being kept up-to-date.
On the negative side, the organization could use some improvement. Some pre-election covers are in the post-election section. There also are some duplicates.
You can click on some thumbnails to get a larger image of the cover. Others don’t have that option or don’t lead to the right cover. It also would be nice to see the name of the magazine and its publication date clearly stated with each image.
Still, the website is definitely worth checking out and I applaud Baker’s work.

Photos: Included here are some magazine covers I missed in my roundup of Trump coverage just before and after the election.

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