Saturday, February 2, 2019

Note to film critics: Saying a movie has a big plot twist is a spoiler

The new movie “Serenity” starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway was always going to be a tough sell to audiences. The genre-defying noir thriller is difficult to explain without giving away what makes it unique.
Critics generally didn’t like the film and focused on its out-of-left-field plot twist in their reviews. Some writers went ahead and explained the twist.
Whenever there’s a plot twist late in a movie that forces viewers to reinterpret everything that preceded it, critics should not reveal that. Otherwise audiences that know there’s a big twist coming will go into the movie with their guard up, looking for signs of what’s to come.
It’s much better to be hit with the twist naturally for that major “whoa” moment. I remember that rush of excitement on seeing “The Sixth Sense” in the theater before anyone spoiled it for me.
At least with “The Sixth Sense” reviewers could focus on that fact that it was a scary movie about a boy who sees dead people. They didn’t have to spoil the ending.
But with “Serenity” all they had to work with was a mostly paint-by-numbers noir flick about life on an island where everything isn’t what it seems.
I agree with McConaughey and Hathaway who criticized distributor Aviron Pictures for its poor handling of the film, including lack of advertising. McConaughy thought the movie should have been rolled out slowly and given time to build word of mouth, according to Deadline.
Critics slammed the film and initial audiences were negative on it. “Serenity” currently has a score of 22% positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. The audience score is only slightly higher at 30%.
Personally I liked the movie. But I wish I hadn’t known there was a twist going into it. “Serenity” isn’t going to be for everyone though. I think “Serenity” will become a cult movie over time.
If this had been a “Black Mirror” movie, people would have really liked it.

Sample reviews of “Serenity” that spoil the ending:

You Will Not Believe Serenity Is a Real Movie (GQ)

Serenity Sets a New Bar for Ridiculous Movie Twists (Vanity Fair)

‘Serenity’ Review: No One Is Prepared for This Bonkers Movie (Collider)

Matthew McConaughey's Serenity Is So Insane That No Headline Can Begin to Do it Justice (Esquire)

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