Saturday, February 2, 2019

Worst twist endings in modern movies

In the movie “Goosebumps” (2015), author R.L. Stein, played by Jack Black, says there are three parts to a story: “the beginning, the middle … and the twist!”
The concept of twist endings in movies is back to the fore with the release of the movie “Serenity” on Jan. 25. Many critics hated the big twist in the movie calling it “ridiculous,” “insane” and “bonkers.” I, on the other hand, liked it.
What works for some people in storytelling, doesn’t for others.
For instance, I thought the critically acclaimed USA Network series “Mr. Robot” was fantastic until it was revealed that a main character was just a figment of the lead character’s imagination. I couldn’t take the show seriously after that.
Among popular or well-reviewed movies, some titles with big twists that didn’t work for me include “Arrival” (2016), “Predestination” (2015), “Shutter Island” (2010) and “Identity” (2003).

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