Sunday, June 23, 2019

Memories of growing up in Libertyville, Illinois, shared on Facebook

As much as I’d like to quit Facebook entirely because of the company’s horrendous record with user privacy, there are some things for which the social network is still very useful.
In addition to connecting long-lost friends, Facebook is very good for people who want to share special interests.
I don’t use Facebook to share personal information, but I do like to check out some groups that share memories of growing up in my hometown of Libertyville, Ill., and the Chicagoland area. I also belong to a group for my high school graduating class.
I subscribe to three Libertyville groups on Facebook, two of which are closed groups. They are: Vintage Libertyville (Illinois), Libertyville Memories of the 70’s and “You know you grew up in Libertyville, IL because you remember...”, of which the first two are private.
I also subscribe to Vanished Chicagoland on Facebook.
I especially like it when members share photos from the past in Libertyville, including pictures of distinctly Chicago or Libertyville things.
I’ve included some sample photos here. They include Glen Rock soda pop from Waukegan, a staple of my childhood; Highland Hornets button from Highland Middle School; postcard from the Hitch Inn Post Motel, where my family stayed when we moved to Libertyville from Minnesota; Jays Potato Chips from Chicago; advertisement from Chicago rock radio station The Loop FM 98; and a weekly top singles and albums list from pop music station WLS.

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