Sunday, September 15, 2019

Netflix can’t take a hint about shows I don’t like

Why does Netflix put shows in the “Continue Watching” section that I obviously hate?
Netflix is supposed to be an expert at knowing what subscribers want to watch based on their viewing behavior. So, it is baffling that Netflix prompts me to continue watching shows that I didn’t like.
Everything I watch on Netflix streaming video is from the “My List” queue. If I read about an interesting show or find a trailer intriguing, I’ll add the program to “My List.”
Lately I’ve sampled some shows from that list that I didn’t like. In each case, I rated the show as “thumbs down” and removed it from the “My List” queue.
Those are two clear signs that I no longer want to watch a show. Still, Netflix’s technology apparently isn’t smart enough to realize this. It keeps those programs in the “Continue Watching” row on the home screen. Yes, the shows are shaded gray, but why keep them there?
Come on, Netflix, you should know better.
I made it through the first episode of “The I-Land” because the Dominican Republic locale and actress Natalie Martinez are nice to look at. But the premiere episode of the show was so terribly written I couldn’t continue. As I said, I gave the series a “thumbs down” rating and removed it from my list.
But even days later, the series still shows up in my recommendations to continue watching.
Other shows that turn up in my “Continuing Watching” list now include series “Another Life” (I didn’t even finish the first episode) and comedy movie “Game Over, Man” (I lasted maybe 15 minutes). Once again, I hit “thumbs down” and took them off my viewing list. These are just a couple of recent examples.
It’s a little thing, I know. But Netflix needs to be smarter. Also, it is a good idea for Netflix not to remind subscribers of all the content they didn't like on the service.

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