Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Presenting Photoshopped fakes as the real deal: clickbait edition

There’s lying clickbait and then there’s bold-faced lying clickbait.
Lately clickbait purveyors have been using Photoshopped images to promote photo collections that claim not to include Photoshopped images.
A recent Taboola article touted “No, it’s not Photoshop, look closer – rare historic photos.” It included a picture of a submarine being swamped by a giant wave. But the photo is fake. The original is a surfing photo by Tim McKenna. (See article by Surfers Village.)

Another Taboola article screamed “No, it’s not Photoshop, look closer – it’s Australia.” It featured a badly Photoshopped picture of a crowd of people standing next to a ginormous anaconda.

Yet another Taboola article titled “This monster airplane is a scientific anomaly” used a Photoshopped picture purporting to show a triple-decker airplane. Well, at least this fake is more convincing than the giant snake. (See articles by Infinite Flight and the New York Post.)

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