Saturday, October 2, 2021

Netflix ‘My List’ video queue is a mess

Last month, Netflix officially took away the ability for subscribers to reorder their queue of saved movies and TV series. I say “officially” because that function had been partially broken for at least a year.
Now Netflix orders programs automatically in the My List queue. It isn’t very helpful for someone like me who has 140 titles in his saved queue. I’m not going to watch all those videos. Very few are “must see” programs, most are “maybes,” as in I might watch them if I’m in the mood for a dumb action movie or middling horror movie.
The very least Netflix should do is organize the programs that people have saved into categories. I would recommend separate categories for movies and TV series (Amazon Prime Video already does that with its user queue). Another category of non-fiction would be nice for documentaries, competition shows and reality TV.
Right now, the Netflix My List queue is a jumbled mess. I’d love to be able to sort it, so the things I’m more likely to watch show up first. But Netflix thinks algorithms could do a better job.

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